Louis Waelti's Hay Baler, 1971
Dublin Core
Louis Waelti's Hay Baler, 1971
Still Image
In Copyright
Date Created
Haystacks by Automation
Monroe, Wisconsin: "Louis Waelti of Monroe makes instant haystacks with a machine that reduces haying to a one-man operation. Cut hay is blown into a wagon and compressed into layers by a hydraulically-operated top section. Cut hay is blown into a wagon and compressed into layers by a hydraulically-operated top section. When the wagon is full, a haystack equal to approximately 115 bales of hay is ejected. By the end of the season, Waelti hopes to have about 150 stacks for the 100 cows he keeps on his farm. He said the livestock will eat directly from the stacks...with an electric fence around each stack to prevent the livestock trampling the feed in a rush."
Monroe, Wisconsin: "Louis Waelti of Monroe makes instant haystacks with a machine that reduces haying to a one-man operation. Cut hay is blown into a wagon and compressed into layers by a hydraulically-operated top section. Cut hay is blown into a wagon and compressed into layers by a hydraulically-operated top section. When the wagon is full, a haystack equal to approximately 115 bales of hay is ejected. By the end of the season, Waelti hopes to have about 150 stacks for the 100 cows he keeps on his farm. He said the livestock will eat directly from the stacks...with an electric fence around each stack to prevent the livestock trampling the feed in a rush."
Spatial Coverage
Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin
10 x 8 inches
Acquired by MPL, 2018
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Photo Print
Physical Dimensions
10 x 8 inches
UPI, “Louis Waelti's Hay Baler, 1971,” Monroe Public Library Kundert Special Collections, accessed March 9, 2025, https://www.mplspecialcollections.org/items/show/310.