Blumer Brewing Co. letter dated March 10, 1945 to Zahm & Nagel Co., Inc. about a CO2 testing device. They were asking for it to be fixed quickly as it was their only one.
The Milwaukee Journal plaque, given annually to the best county booth at the Wisconsin State Fair, was awarded Wednesday to Green County. Lewis C. French (center) of The Journal is shown in the booth making the presentation to County Agent Ray L.…
A group photo of the Universalist Church in Monroe, WI, with a list of the people’s names on the back of it, 1933. (If any of the names are misspelled, please let us know. The names were handwritten in pencil nearly 90 years ago!)
A fire in January of 1914 set many buildings ablaze, including the D.C. Ryan residence seen here totally engulfed in flames. There where an estimated $100,000 in damages in total from the fires.