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MBook 1937 001.jpg
The 1937 yearbook from Monroe High School in Monroe, Wisconsin.

MBook 1936 001.jpg
The 1936 yearbook from Monroe High School in Monroe, Wisconsin

MBook 1926 001.jpg
The 1926 yearbook for Monroe High School in Monroe, Wisconsin.

KUNDHSPTL 00006.jpg
Hospital shown with surrounding buildings.

KUNDINFRA 00002.jpg
The exterior of the armory in Monroe, Wisconsin is shown

Nathan Twining meets and greets at the dedication of the park named for his family.

General Nathan Twining stands at the podium at twining parks dedication

Harness racing action at the Green County Fairgrounds in 1966.

KUNDBIZNS 00018.jpg
Exterior view of Gasthaus Motel in Monroe,Wiscosnin.
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