Browse Items (448 total)

A tornado in southern Wisconsin cut a path through several properties, knocking down several large dairy barns. No one was reported injured in the storms.

Three year-old Dale Nelson plays outside his tornado-ravaged home.

A postcard image of D.C. Ryan Monuments from January, 1906. It was addressed to J.H. Isley in Glenwood, Iowa. The text on the front of the postcard reads: "Above is a miniature cut of the largest retail monument stock in the West, in Monroe, Wis.…


Postcard of the curing room at the Town Hall Dairy Co-Op, Monroe, Wis.

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View of a stone culvert near Monroe, Wisconsin.

Photo of the massive crowd on the Monroe Square for Cheese Day, 1928.

Image of the large crowd gathered in front of the courthouse for the 1928 Cheese Day, Monroe, Wis.

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A substantial crowd moves along the north side of the courthouse in Monroe, Wisconsin.

A big crowd gathers for Cheese Day in 1928.

A postcard image of the Creamery at Browntown, Wisconsin. Unfortunately, it is undated, and the writing on the reverse side is indecipherable.
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