Browse Items (448 total)

Postcard of the curing room at the Town Hall Dairy Co-Op, Monroe, Wis.

Don Van Wagenen, a professional cheese grader from Monroe, WI, pulls a sample of Asiago cheese using a cheese trier, Tuesday at State Fair Park in West Allis, WI. Van Wagenen was one of four judges for the Wisconsin State Fair Governor’s Sweepstakes…

Capital Cheese Company in Monroe, WI, advertising postcard.

The Swiss Cheese Capitol of the U. S. A., Home of Donny & Pfund Inc.: Snack Bar, Swiss Cheese, Limburger, Cheese Factory, Equipment.

Front of postcard depicts a Ferd Ingold float: "Helvetia Float Am Kastag - Monroe, Wis."

Image of the front of Town Hall Dairy Co-Op, Monroe, Wis.

Marty’s Swiss Cheese advertising postcard with, “It Tastes Like More!” slogan.

The Swiss Cheese Shop – Highway 69 North Monroe, Wis.

"Sen. Robert Taft was given a large piece of Swiss cheese by G. Fred Galli, Monroe cheesemaker, when the Ohio Republican came here last night in his campaign for Wisconsin’s delegates to the National Presidential Convention."

1990 election mailer telling why Green County should vote for Donna Heiser to be the Clerk of Circuit Court.
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