Browse Items (448 total)

A 1935 menu from the Hollywood Inn Restaurant in Monroe, WI. Was a lettuce sandwich just lettuce? What did the Jean Harlow sundae taste like?

C.S. Dodge & Son's correspondence, asking about the bill for wheels they received.

A postcard image of the Commercial & Savings Bank in Monroe, WI.

A 1911 letter from The Monroe Emporium, sent to Mr. Eugene Garber, discussing the raising of $100.

An article focusing on the closing of Brennan's Market in Monroe, WI, along with all other Brennan's locations.


A black & white postcard image of the Carl Marty & Company building.

President Coolidge was gifted a 47 pound wheel of Swiss cheese as a 'thank you' for increasing the tariff on imported Swiss cheese. He did so to help the makers of it in the U.S. so they would not have to sell their cheese under the cost of making…

Wisconsin’s only cheese factory built exclusively to show how Swiss cheese is made. Located at Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin, in the heart of little Switzerland. Retail store displays over 80 varieties of cheese. Mail orders shipped anywhere in…

Symbols of Green County’s Swiss Gemutlichkeit---Genial Albert Aeberli, prominent figure in Green County’s Swiss Cheeseland community, is pictured with a prize wheel of “Green County’s Gold.” This photo was used for many promotions and Cheese Days'…

The Milwaukee Journal plaque, given annually to the best county booth at the Wisconsin State Fair, was awarded Wednesday to Green County. Lewis C. French (center) of The Journal is shown in the booth making the presentation to County Agent Ray L.…
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